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Sep 98 V.90 check

On 6-Sep-98, I tested 4 V.90 modems from 2 different lines (served by different GTE CO's- central offices), calling 4 types of V.90 servers.

The modems tested were:
3Com/USR v90 (model 1786-02 firmware 4.9.1)
Lucent LT WinModem (firmware 5.20)
Hayes/Accura 4924 Lucent PCMCIA (firmware 52198)
Zoom 2949 (firmware 2.081)

Servers called include:
3Com TCH (Total Control Hardware)
Ascend TNT
Livingston PM3 (still only beta v90 code for these servers)
Bay Networks

Line 1 is my home line, served by GTE's remote GTD5 office; Line 2 is a business served by GTE's switching GTD5 office. Here are the results. You may have different results as the telco routing on 56k modem calls can affect performance:

Modem & Line
Connect RX/TX rate
V.90 success rate
USR - Line 2 3Com TCH-Prodigy 49.3k/28.8k 100%
USR - Line 2 Ascend 49.3k/24.0k 100%
USR - Line 2 Bay - Prodigy v90 beta 48.0k/21.6k 100%
USR - Line 2 Livingston**** 49.3k/24.0k 100%
USR - Line 2 3Com TCH-ILH**** 49.3k/28.8k 100%
Lucent LT - Line 2 3Com TCH - Prodigy 49.3k/28.8k 100%
Lucent LT - Line 2 Ascend* 49.3k/24.0k* 100%
Lucent LT - Line 2 Bay - Prodigy v90 beta 48.0k/24.0k 100%
Lucent LT - Line 2 49.4k/24.0k 100%
Hayes Accura 4924 Lucent Venus PCMCIA ALL ISPs in DMS100**** ---NoEC ** 0%
Hayes Accura 4924 3Com TCH-ILH**** 48.0/24.0k 100%
Zoom 2949 - Both lines ALL ---Fake *** 0%
USR - Line 1 3Com TCH-Prodigy 48.0k/28.8k 16.7% (1-in-6)
USR - Line 1 Ascend 46.6k/24.0k 16.7% (1-in-6)
USR - Line 1 Bay-Prodigy v90 beta 44.0k/21.6k 3% (1-in-36)
USR - Line 1**** 48.0k/24.0k 100%
USR - Line 1 3Com TCH - ILH **** 49.3k/28.8k 100%
Lucent LT - Line 1 3Com TCH-Prodigy 46.6K/24.0K 16.7%
Lucent LT - Line 1 Ascend* 44.0k/24.0k 16.7%
Lucent LT - Line 1 Bay-Prodigy v90 beta 46.6k/21.6k 3%
Lucent LT - Line 1**** 45.3k/26.4k 100%
Lucent LT- Line 1 3Com TCH - ILH**** 48.0k/26.4k 100%

* - KFlex must be disabled (s38=0) to get a V.90 connection.
** - The Hayes/Lucent PCMCIA will "connect" at 48k+ rates, but with no error correction, so as to make the connection worthless; forcing error correction ( \N4) results in NO CARRIER. It will connect V.90 only to ILH - the ISP located in a GTD5 office, not the vast majority of ISPs served by DMS100 office. I haven't tested KFlex connects as the customer uses a v90/x2 provider.
*** - The Zoom sucks big time. It may pretend to be connected at times, but no data can pass; other times it doesn't even pretend - it just gives NO CARRIER. Once in a while, it might actually connect and pass data for some period of time, and some >0bps rate. It will do 34-38k KFlex connects to the Livingston & Ascend servers.
**** - ILH and have access from a GTD5 CO; all the other ISPs are served from a DMS100 office.

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