V.92 ISP LIST Database
To get listed (it's free) please use this form
The Modemsite V.92 ISP List contains ISPs throughout the world
that support V92 connections. The ISPs are listed by name in alphabetical order
below, starting at a randomly selected page. You can navigate the list by
clicking the arrows above the list, or you can filter on any of the fields by
entering search criteria in the text boxes above the headings on the list. You
can view the complete record for any ISP by clicking on More, or visit the
ISP's website (opens new window) by clicking on their name. You can sort the
list by clicking on either of the column headings to get an ascending or
descending sorted list.
NOTE! See 26-Mar-03 Update:
Some "V.92" ISPs no longer support Modem-on-hold!
Total Matching ISPs = 214 Displaying Page 7 of 9 <<<>>>