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HomeTroubleshooting  DUNS Errors  • Error 650, 651 & 652

DUNS ERROR 650, 651, 652

650 - The Remote Access server is not responding.
MSN - Modem not responding (Error 650).

All versions of Windows - if connecting to a WindowsNT server with PPTP. See MS KB Q162847
Error 650 can also occur if the ISP server modem/equipment is not set up properly.

If this error persists, try dialing in to the server with Hyperterminal connected directly to modem. (Also see - Using Hyperterminal.) Nearly all servers will respond after CONNECT with a login prompt for your user name, and then password. This will allow you to see any error response from the server. If the server accepts your username and password, it should start a PPP session, and you cannot use Hyperterminal to get any further - you may see 'garbage' characters. If this happens, the username and password combination should work with DUNs. If you get an error, contact your service provider and have them try and log in with your account information.

Prodigy (and some other) ISPs: Some ISPs require Client for Microsoft Networks installed and selected as your primary network logon. (Windows: Control Panel->Networking) 

AOL on your system? If you have AOL installed on your system, but are not using AOL, the AOL software may interfere with access to any other ISP. Uninstall AOL. (Windows: Control Panel-> Add/Remove Programs)

MSN 2.52 - 2.6 - Can occur is DUNS is installed after MSN 2.52. See MS KB Q192420

Error 651 - Your modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error.

All versions of Windows - This error can occur if there is an error in the .inf file used to install the modem in Windows, or if the modem has been installed with the wrong .inf file. If this is the case, re-install the modem with the correct .inf file. Also see DataRace RediModem Error - MS KB Q122901 Evercom 24E+ Error MS KB Q122414

You can also test logging in with Hyperterminal (see above). Hyperterminal as described above operates independently of the modem's .inf file.

Error 652 - Unrecognized response from the device.

All versions of Windows - This error can occur if there is an error in the .inf file used to install the modem in Windows, or if the modem has been installed with the wrong .inf file. If this is the case, re-install the modem with the correct .inf file. 

You can also test logging in with Hyperterminal (see above). Hyperterminal as described above operates independently of the modem's .inf file.

Windows NT 3.5, 3.51 - with certain MegaHertz Modems - See MS KB Q136034

Windows for Workgroups 3.11 - with MultiTech MT2834 Modem - See MS KB Q129426

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