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HomeTroubleshooting DUNS Errors  • Error 800


800 - Unable to establish the VPN connection. The VPN server may be un-reachable, or security parameters may not be configured properly for this connection.

This error may occur if a Virtual Private Network connection is specified, but fails to authenticate. See this Microsoft how-to article on using Virtual Private Networks for Secure Internet Data Transfer.

Some of the reasons this error occurs include:

  • The PPTP or L2TP server is not reachable. A firewall could be blocking traffic; the server name specified in your connection could be incorrect.

  • Your connection configuration might prevent IPSec from establishing a secure channel with the server. A network component such as Network Address Translation (NAT) or a firewall might be blocking IPSec traffic.

  • Verify whether you have a current machine certificate or that the pre-shared key is correct. Check the security settings in the properties for your network connection.

  • There are no free VPN ports on the server (over-subscribed - maximum number of users already connected).

This error applies to Windows 2000 & XP.

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