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3Com Sportster V.90 code that prevents 56k connections
The following newsgroup post appeared 6/19/98 in comp.dcom.modems:
From: Cazador@safari.net (Cazador) Newsgroups: comp.dcom.modems Subject: USRobotics (3COM) Modem Users - Drop in connection speed after V.90 upgrade - read inside Message-ID: <358ad6e8.4870786@news.sybercom.net> Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 22:22:09 GMT NNTP-Posting-Host: cyberstar-nn067.vabch.com NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 18:22:09 EST Recommendation: If you've experienced a drop in connection speeds after upgrading a USR modem to V.90, don't waste your time searching for a "fix" via the newsgroups. The problem is almost certainly with the modem (upgrade) itself.... and you won't find anything on USR's web site that addresses the problem or even acknowledges it. Go straight to USR (3COM) and tell them that you want a RSO (Repair Service Order) to have your modem fixed. Most of their modems (if registered) have a 5 year warranty. This puts the ball in their court. The URL is: support@usr.com Background: I have a internal 3COM (USR) Sportster modem mod# 00084004 (originally a 33.6Kbps - upgraded to X2). Following the X2 upgrade, I logged onto my ISP at a CONSISTENT 46.6Kbps. Four days ago, I made the mistake of upgrading to V.90 and my speed dropped to 31.2Kbps (never varied). My ISP has 5 lines providing X2/V.90 capability and I was obtaining the same results on all of them. These are the same lines I was using to obtain 46.6Kbps a week ago and the ISP said nothing had been changed. I downloaded and installed the Windows Driver recommended by 3COM for use with the 84-004 modem - located at: http://www.3com.com/56k/usr/upgrade/muw.html I also deleted the modem and reinstalled everything. Nothing worked. My last attempt was to try the 56K troubleshooting recommendations at: http://pages.prodigy.net/bbhi/r-rnut-x2-3.htm#v90numbers These included disabling the V.90 function as well as disabling both the X2 & V.90 functions. Again, nothing worked and I searched the entire 3COM/USR site looking for info on this problem..... to no avail. I also checked my line (repeatedly) using the USR Line Test # (1-888-877-9248) - login as "Line" & "Test". It consistently checked out ok for 56k usage. I contacted USR, outlined the problems I was having (above) and requested a RSO on Sunday, 14 June. I received a reply on Monday and received the RSO number on Wednesday. I mailed the modem in today. 3COM says that turn-around time is 7-10 days from date of receipt at the repair facility. To make a long story a little shorter: 3COM didn't hassle, haggle, or dispute the fact that the upgrade didn't take...... they just said send it in. That indicates (to me) that they are aware of the problem and are probably hoping that most people just won't press the issue. To cap it all, today I purchased a brand new 3COM V.90 modem, installed it, and obtained a rock solid ** 48000Kbps ** login to my ISP on the first dial. A half-dozen follow up logins on the primary and alternate access numbers produced the same rock solid 48Kbps connection. It wasn't my line, my computer, or my setup. It was the USR modem/upgrade..... and from what I've seen on this NG and others, the problem certainly isn't limited to the 00084004 model modem. Don't waste your time if you're having problems: Start pushing the buttons at USR! ------------------------- PS: My thanks to "Hooda Gest" for his/her help in checking out the ISP access and making follow-up recommendations.
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