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The following payment options are available:


Sign up and pay securely using PayPal.

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35 days   - $1.59
3 months - $2.99
6 months - $4.99
1 year - $8.99
Lifetime - $18.95

Third-party payment processing using your PayPal account.

Premium Access subscriptions are one-time charges. There are no automatic renewals or rebills. Transactions are processed on secure servers.

SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: Fully refundable upon your request within the first 5 days of your subscription.

IMMEDIATE ACCESS: You'll be able to activate your access immediately after you complete the payment.

CUSTOMER SERVICE: For help with a subscription problem or refund request.

Premium ACCESS - With a different kind of payment - information!

It would be impossible to do this site without the contribution of information - there's just too much to keep up with. I'll be giving away free ad-free access codes to those who give me valuable information via the Feedback Form.


Downloads - including some hard-to-get drivers

Forum56 - ask a question about modems - get help and support

Modemsite Complete - access all of the site contents: only a portion of some pages are available without Premium Access.

NO ADVERTISING - No banner ads, no pop-unders.

HOT FLASHES - Optional e-mail notice for modem driver upgrade releases.

SECURITY: All electronic payments are processed on secure servers with encryption. 

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